We work on client projects on a daily basis so it was a refreshing change to work on a passion project.
Being a parent is rewarding and there is no substitution to the joy we receive from our children. However, life as a parent is challenging at every turn.
I know I am not alone when I feel overwhelmed with life at the end of a tough day. My kids are the reminder and the WHY behind what I do. Raising our kids should not take a back seat to friends, social media updates or even ourselves. We live in a world where we can easily get distracted and lose focus of them and redirect that attention to the noisy world.
This video was inspired by a letter written by Larry Ramos, father of two. Larry is a proud, caring and involved father who takes pride in raising his children.
He wrote this letter and when I read it it tugged at my heart strings. I was elated when Larry said it would be ok to make a few adjustments and ok to share his intimate writing in the form of a video.
Byron Torres